- 肉牛EPD评价及其应用 Evaluation and Application of EPD in Beef Cattle
- 冲击能量特征值的测定及其应用 Determination and Application of Characteristic Values of Impact Energy
- 矿井火灾时期避灾路线的确定及其应用程序 Determination Refuge Route During Mine Fire and Utility Program
- 应用秩和比法(RSR)评价医院综合效益 Evaluating the Synthetical Benefit of a Hospital by RSR
- 车辆乘坐舒适性的评价指标及其发展 Evaluation Criteria of vehicles Riding Comfort and Its Development
- GDSS的评价研究 Evaluation Studies on GDSS
- 钢球表面质量评价系统 Evaluation System of Steel Ball Surface Quality
- 梯度在多元函数上的应用 The gradient applies in the function of he gradient applies in the function of many variables
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- 岩土锚固力的确定及应用 Determination and Application of Rock and Soil Anchoring Force
- 浮萍多糖总糖含量测定与评价 Determination and Evaluation of Saccharides Content in Extract of Herba Spirodelae Seu Lemnae Polysaccharides
- 牛用谷物蒸汽压片及其饲养效果 The grain steam flaking and its effect to performance of cattle
- 摩托车乘骑舒适性评价方法 Evaluation Methods for Motorcycle Riding Comfort
- 住宅热损失系数的确定与应用 Determination and Application of Heat Loss Coefficient for Dwelling
- 我国银企信用关系的劣化及其矫正 Deterioration of the Relationship between the Banks and Enterprises and Its Rectification
- 透射电镜像转角的测定及应用 Determination and Application of Image-Diffraction Pattern Rotation Angles in Transmission Electron Microscope
- 中小高技术企业发展能力评价 Evaluating the Development?competence of Small & Medium?size High?tech Enterprise
- “欧陆风格”及其流行的合理性 European Style and its Rationale of Prevalence
- 阻滞系数的确定方法及其应用 Determination and Application of Retardation Factor
- 工程车辆乘座舒适性评价试验 Evaluation Test for the Drive Comfort on Engineering Vehicles