- 聚类-PLS建模 clustering-PKS modeling
- 聚类建模 clustering modeling
- 一种基于模糊聚类的可解释性建模方法 A Method of Interpretable Modeling Based on Fuzzy Clustering
- 基于在线聚类的多模型软测量建模方法 Multiple models soft-sensing technique based on online clustering arithmetic
- 一种基于进化聚类的动态TSK模型建模方法 Modeling Approach of Dynamic TSK Model Based on Evolving Clustering Method
- 基于改进GA-PLS算法的最优辅助变量选择及其在软测量建模中的应用 Optimal Selection of Secondary Variables Based on GA-PLS Algorithm and Its Application to Soft Sensor Modeling
- Web聚类 Web clustering
- XML聚类 XML clustering
- 遗传算法(genetic algorithm,GA)可以有效选取PLS建模变量,使模型简单化的同时提高预测准确度。 Variables of PLS was optimized by GA (genetic algorithm) and then made the model simple and accuracy.
- 自聚类 agglomerative
- 聚类核 clustering core
- 向量聚类 Support vector clustering(SVC)
- 词语聚类 word clustering
- 脉冲电弧沉积类金刚石薄膜的厚度建模 Thickness modeling of diamond-like carbon films by pulsed vacuum arc deposition
- 模式聚类 Type clustering
- 面向CAPP的箱体类零件特征建模系统的开发 Development of CAPP oriented box parts feature model system
- 视觉聚类 Visual Sampling Clustering
- 小波聚类 Wave Cluster
- 一类并联机床整机结构动力学建模方法研究 Dynamic Modeling Methodology for a Tripod-Based Parallel Machine Tool
- 服务聚类 Web Service clustering