- 聚氯化乙烯(PEO) poly(ethylene oxide)
- 二氯化乙烯|乙撑二氯|1,2-二氯乙烷 ethylene dichloride
- 单极式和复极式电解槽生产氯气在直接氯化乙烯生产中的应用 The application of chlorine gas produced by monopolar cells and by bipolar cells in ethylene chlorination
- 聚类 clustering
- 聚糖 polysaccharide
- 聚四氟乙烯 polyfluortetraethylene
- 重聚 reunion
- 物以类聚 birds of a feather flock together
- 壳聚糖 chitosan
- 氯化四氟乙烯聚合物 chlorinated tetrafluoroethylene polymer
- 聚乙二醇 Carmowax
- 聚酰胺 daiamid
- 聚醚 polyether
- 聚类分析 cluster analysis
- 聚氧化乙烯(PEO) poly(ethylene oxide)
- 聚酰亚胺 polyimide
- 聚烯烃 polyolefine
- 聚苯 polyphenyl
- 聚甲醛 Daicel