- 土豪劣绅中罪恶昭著的,农民不是要驱逐,而是要捉他们,或杀他们。 The peasants have no desire to banish the most notorious criminals among the local tyrants and evil gentry, but would rather arrest or execute them.
- 原来祭牲的血,由大祭司为著罪带进至圣所,祭牲的身体,被烧在营外。 For the bodies of those animals whose blood is brought into the Holy of Holies for sin by the high priest are burned up outside the camp.
- 信用昭著 One's credit is evident.
- 信心不足,这信心不足会迫使我们,或使我们被局限于过著罪的生活。 A lack of faith makes us worry and it gives us anxiety and stress and we spend most of our time stressing over things which never even happen.
- 昭著 clear
- 罪 sin
- 罪恶 sin
- 昭 manifest
- 著 outstanding
- 因为我们认识了真理之后,还故意犯罪,为著罪的牛羊祭物是不再有的了; For when we sin willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice of bulls and goats for sins
- 罪恶的 Babylonian
- 蘖 shoots from an old stump
- 深重 (adj) very serious; grave
- 勋业昭著 One's honours are illustrious
- 罪恶感 guilty feeling
- 来十三11原来祭牲的血,由大祭司为著罪带进至圣所,祭牲的身体,被烧在营外。 Heb. 13:11 For the bodies of those animals whose blood is brought into the Holy of Holies for sin by the high priest are burned up outside the camp.
- 罪恶深重 steeped in crime
- 罪与罚 crime and punishment
- 劣迹昭著 notorious
- 这个城市是罪恶的温床。 The city was a nest of crime.