- 愿上帝拯救我们脱离罪恶。
May God deliver us from evil.
- 基督降世拯救我们摆脱罪恶。
Jesus Christ came into the world to save us from our sins.
- 他们力图根除罪恶。
They attempted to eradicate crime.
- 是贪婪这种诱惑物使他步入罪恶。
It's the tempter of greed that led him into crime.
- 他痛斥所有地主和放债者都是罪恶的剥削者。
He denounced all landlords and money-lenders as evil predators.
- 用魔鬼象徵罪恶是中世纪绘画的特色。
The personification of evil as a devil is a feature of medieval painting.
- 牧师说,他们将因罪恶而下地狱。
The priest said they would go to hell for their sins.