- 维A酸凝胶 Avita Gel<抗痤疮药>
- fda批准首个有效的促分化药物-维A酸治疗急性早幼粒细胞白血病. Tretinoin, the first successful differentiating agent, approed by FDA for use in acute promyelocytic leukemia.
- 钨酸凝胶 tungstic acid gel
- 方法:治疗组,疣体每晚外涂0.1%维A酸霜,联合涂酞丁安乳膏,2次/天; Methods Scribble on plana with Vintamin-A acid cream at night and with Ftibamzone cremer in the morning and on noon in the tested group;
- 交键透明质酸凝胶 SK GEL
- 维A酸霜联合酞丁安乳膏治疗扁平疣,有效率高、不留瘢痕、简便易行。 It have the high effective rate,simple easy use and no scar,if treating verruca plana with theVintamin-A acid cream combined with Ftibamzone cremer.
- 四环素透明质酸凝胶 tetracycline hyaluronic acid
- 治疗组每天给予15%壬二酸乳膏联合0.025%维A酸霜剂局部外用,治疗6周; Twenty-four subjects applied 15%25 Azelaic Acid cream combined with 0.025%25 Tretinoin cream daily to face,and eighteen subjects applied vehicle cream.
- 海藻酸壳聚糖海藻酸凝胶离子取代机理 Ion Replacement Mechanism of Alginate Chitosan Alginate Gels
- 15%壬二酸乳膏联合0.025%维A酸霜剂局部外用治疗烧伤后色素沉着具有良好效果。 Topical application of 15%25 Azelaic Acid cream combined with 0.025%25 Tretinoin cream is effective in treating facial post-burn hyperpigmentation.
- 酸凝 acid cure
- 维甲酸凝胶 tretinoin gel
- 酸凝槽 acid coagulant tank
- 维A酸霜 Retinoids
- 酸凝漆 acid-cured varnish
- 二维凝胶电泳 two-dimensional gel electrophoresis
- 酸凝乳 varenetz
- 维A酸受体 Retinoic acid receptor
- 一维凝胶电泳 SDSPAGE
- 酸凝胨乳 acid curd