- 维生素A水平 Vitamin A concentrations
- 饲料中维生素A水平低 Low Vitamin A levels in feed
- 妊娠早期血清维生素A水平研究 A Study About Whether or not the Deficiency of Vitamin A in the Blood in Early Period of Gestation
- 天津市农村儿童维生素A水平与相关因素分析 Analysis of the Vitamin A Level and Relative Factors amongst the Country Children in Tianjin
- 水平 level
- 食管癌患者与对照组血清维生素A水平分析 Analysis of the serum vitamin A level in esophageal cancer patients and other persons of control group
- 饲粮中锌与维生素A水平对肉仔鸡生产性能的影响 Effect of zinc and vitamin A level in feed on production performance for broilers
- 维生素A,维生素甲,维他命甲,甲种维生素,抗干眼醇,视黄醇,抗干眼病维生素 Vaflol; Vialpha; Vitamin A; Vitpex; Vogan; Vogan-neu; V.A
- 健康人尿纤维蛋白肽A水平及其影响因素的研究 The study on Urinary Fibrinopeptide A level of Healthy Adult and its Influencing Factors
- 维生素A,维生素甲,维他命甲,甲种维生素,抗干眼醇,抗干眼病维生素,维他命A Alphalin
- 孕妇血清妊娠相关血浆蛋白A水平与不良妊娠的关系 Maternal Serum Level of Pregnancy-associated Plasma Protein A and Its Association with Disadvantage Pregnancies
- 早期正常和异常妊娠相关血浆蛋白-A水平研究及意义 Study of PAPP-A level in normal and abnormal first-trimester pregnancy and its clinical significance
- 维生素A类 retinoid
- SAP组血清PAPP-A水平与正常对照组相比,差异无显著性(P>0.05); Serum PAPP-A levels were significantly higher in UAP group and AMI group than those in SAP group and control group(P<0.01 for each).
- 维生素A醛 axerophthal; retinal; retinaldehyde; retinene; vitamin A aldehyde
- 原维生素A provitamin A
- cTnT阴性ACS组患者血清PAPP-A水平也明显高于正常对照组(P<0.01)和SAP组(P<0.05)。 Serum PAPP-A level in cTnT-negative patients was also significantly higher than those in control group(P<0.01)and SAP group(P<0.05).
- 增强型维生素A Reinforced vitamin A
- ACS的血清PAPP-A水平和单核细胞PAPP-AmRNA表达与血清hsCRP水平呈正相关(r=0.616,0.706,P<0.01)。 The serum level and expression of PAPP-A in patients with ACS were positively correlated with level of hsCRP (r =0.616, 0.706, P<0.01).
- 维生素A醚 vitamin(e) A ether