- 维他命C就是其一。 One of those is vitamin C.
- 克里莎是生活富足的俄克拉荷马郊区埃德蒙纪念高中的新生,成绩不是C就是D。 Coretha has been getting C's and D's as a freshman at Edmond Memorial High in this well-to-do(4) Oklahoma City suburb.
- 北京有几家很有名气的高级购物中心,燕莎友谊商城就是其一。 Of a few famous upscale shopping centers in Beijing, You Yi Shopping City is one where you can do as much shopping as you can.
- 维生素C,丙种维生素,维生素丙,抗坏血酸,丙素,维他命C Ascorvel
- 一人的心爱作家或“文学情人”,就是其灵魂之花粉。 One's favorite author or literary lover is pollen for his soul.
- 维他命C属于水溶性,会随水份流失,一天多次吸收比大量单一次吸收好。 Vitamin C is water soluble, taken several times in small amount better than in large amount once.
- 带有磁性的纽扣和外面两个附家小袋子是其一大特色。 Features a magnetic closure and double strap handles.
- 维生素C,抗坏血酸,维生素丙,维他命丙,丙种维生素,丙素,维他命C Celin; Cevalin; Vitamin C; Vitascorbol
- 学习英语就象建房子,打下扎实的基础是最基本也是最重要的一步。 Learning English is like building a house, laying a strong foundation is the first and most important step.
- 那位就是其作品受到很高评价的画家。 That's the painter whose works are so highly regarded.
- 鲸鱼肉(特别是富含维他命C的鲸鱼皮)是因纽特人饮食中不可或缺的部分。 Whale meat, especially the vitamin C-rich skin, is an essential5 part of the Inuit diet.
- 一片光明,关键是你们要找到你们身边的英雄,然后与其一同发展。 Bright future! The key is that you should find the heroes around you and develop with them together.
- 一个物体的质量就是其所含能量的度量单位。 The mass of a body is a measure of its energy content.
- 44一颗小小的针叶樱桃,其维他命C含量等同四个鲜橙。 One tiny acerola cherry has vitamin C equal to that found in four oranges.
- 我们终有一死,这就是生活的现实。 We must all die some time: that's just a fact of life.
- 如果说,存在一个法国例外,希拉克就是其体现。 If there is a French exception, Mr Chirac is its embodiment.
- 奥塞尔是个胖子,胖极了,这是其一。其次,他说话有很重的地方口音。 Ausable was, for one thing, fat. Very fat. And then there was his accent.
- 国际级比赛简直就是一场模拟战争。 At the international level sport is frankly mimic warfare.
- 人们往往认为,总统制国家就是其总统的国家。 A COUNTRY with a presidential system tends to get identified with its leader.
- 关于导航,我们要知道一件重要的事情是其本身在很大程度上也是一种附加工作。 The most important thing to realize about navigation is that it is largely excise.