- 统一PWM调制函数 Unified PWM modulation function
- 统一PWM快速算法 Unified PWM fast algorithm
- CCD相机调制传递函数测试软件的研制 Development of a Test Software for the Modulated Transfer Function of CCD Camera
- 负责质量检查的人应使书中印刷统一。 Someone in charge of quality control should unify the printing with the fest of the book.
- 为医治他的咳嗽而调制的药中包括樟脑。 The preparation for his cough included camphor.
- T函数法 T function method
- 所有这些小国被统一成一个国家。 All these small states were unified into one nation.
- α函数 α- Function
- γ调制 γ modulation
- 统一制订各年级的科技教学计划 articulate a science program for all grades
- θ调制 θ modulation
- δ-函数 δ - function
- 他们开始将统一非洲的梦想转化为行动。 They started to translate into action the dreams of African unity.
- θ函数 θ function
- 调制触发 Tidal stress
- 我们要共同奋斗,实现祖国统一和民族振兴。 We should all strive to reunify our motherland and revitalize our nation.
- U32函数 U32 function
- Tune调制 Tune modulation
- 爱因斯坦统一场论 Einstein's unified field theories
- 上模函数 Super-modular set function