- 绕飞C-W方程 Fly-around C-W equation
- C-W方程 C-W equation
- 飞 to fly
- 绕飞慢自旋小天体的航天器运动分析 Spacecraft Motion Analysis about Slowly Rotating Small Body
- 有限推力下的航天器绕飞轨道保持与控制 Orbital maintenance and control of spacecraft fly-around with finite-thrust
- c语言
- 直飞 non-stop flight to
- 维生素C vitamin(e) C
- 飞黄腾达 make a rapid advance in one's career
- C语言程序设计 Programming in C
- 飞盘 frisbee
- 我们决定绕过那片茂密的丛林。 We decided to skirt round the deep jungle.
- 飞镖 dart
- 马绕着马戏场小跑。 The horses trotted around the circus ring.
- 飞的 volitant
- 他将绳子绕在柱子上。 He looped the rope around the pole.
- C-R方程 C - R equation
- 笨鸟先飞 A slow sparrow should make an early start.
- 这条小路沿池塘绕一圈。 The path loops around the pond.
- C程序设计 Program Design in C