- 基于组件GIS的立地决策支持模型的研究 Study on Site Decision Support Model Based on COM GIS
- 基于组件GIS的灌溉管网规划设计软件系统 Software System for Plan and Design of Irrigation Pipe Network Based on GIS
- 组件GIS在国土专题信息管理系统中的应用 Application of Component GIS in National Land Thematic Information Management System
- 组件GIS ComGIS
- 基于组件GIS的应用系统开发技术 Application Programming Technologies Based on COM GIS
- 组件GIS平台AOs结构分析及开发方法 The Architecture Analyzing and Developing Method for AOs
- 基于组件GIS的川藏公路西藏段灾害信息系统设计与开发 Design of Geological Hazard Information System of ChuanZang Road Based on Component GIS
- 用白色组件的厨房 a fitted kitchen with white units
- 摇臂组件 Rocker Arm Components
- 组件类 component class
- 森林防火信息系统利用组件gis,成功地实现了火场周边信息的自动提取技术,为森林防火提供准确、时的信息,在实际应用中效果良好。 The forest fireproofing information system, using component GIS, has successfully realized the technology of automatic withdrawing from information around fire location, which can supply timely and exact information of forest fireproofing management, and it runs well in practical application.
- 组件法 component method
- 编辑组件 Edit symbols
- GIS Geographic Information System (GIS)
- 微组件 micro component
- 无组件 non-components
- 编译组件包 Compile package