- 练习 exercise
- 练习 3.4: 控制 AP Exercise 3.4: Controlling the AP
- 练习3.4:控制ap Exercise 3.4: Controlling the AP
- 哎,多练习就行了。 Oh, that comes with practice.
- 完成上述1,2,3或4动作的控制例行程序。 A control program routine that accomplishes 1, 2, 3, or 4.
- 听力练习 aural learning
- 3乘以4和4乘以3一样。 Four times three is the same as three times four.
- 政府希望将工次增长率控制在3%。 The government hopes to hold salary increase to 3%25.
- 燃烧控制销售工程师4名 Sales engineer in sensor switch 4 persons
- 练习 3.4: 汇报练习 Exercise 3.4: Debrief the Exercise
- 4-(3 4- [2
- 3-罗马控制函数 3-Roman dominating function
- 瑜伽教练和她4岁的爱犬进行同步练习。 Instructor Momoe Yamamoto and her four-year-old pug Moq take the class through their paces.
- 3位数字增益控制 3-bit digital gain cortrol
- 2-3-4树 2-3-4 tree
- 我每周做3次练习。 I exercise three times a week.
- 3继续控制人口增长。 3 Continue to control the population increase.
- 4-氯-3 4-chloro-3
- 3 除12得 4。 3 into 12 goes 4.
- 7减3余4。 3 from 7 leaves 4.