- 纳米Fe3O4粉体 Fe3O4 nanopowders
- 研究了无水乙醇用量、AgNO3用量、AgNO3浓度和反应温度对镀银Fe3O4粉导电性能的影响。 The influences of absolute alcohol amount,AgNO3 dosage,AgNO3 concentration and reaction temperature on conductibility of silver-coated Fe3O4 powder were studied.
- 纳米Fe3O4 nano-Fe3O4
- 纳米Fe3O4粒子 Fe3O4 nanoparticle
- 粉 powder
- 纳米Fe3O4微粒 nanometer Fe3O4 particle
- 纳米铝粉的性质及其对沉淀法制备纳米氧化铝粉体的作用 Property of Nanometer Aluminium Powders and Its Effect on Preparation of Alumina Powders by Precipitation Method
- 纳米Fe3O4颗粒 Fe3O4 nanoparticle
- 纳米Fe3O4磁性粒子 Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles
- 纳米TiO粉体 TiO2 nanoparticles
- 磁性纳米Fe3O4颗粒 Fe3O4-magnetic nanoparticle
- 纳米ZnO粉体 ZnO nanoparticles
- 疏松型纳米Fe3O4胶囊粒子 loose nano-Fe3O4 encapsulation particle
- 纳米晶粉体 nanocrystalline powder
- 纳米BST粉体 nano powder BST
- 利用化学共沉淀法制备了平均粒径为59nm、采用硅烷偶联剂表面修饰的纳米Fe3O4粒子,并对其作为润滑油添加剂的摩擦学性能进行了研究。 Fe3O4 nanoparticles of average diameter 59 nm whose surface was modified with silane coupling agents were prepared by chemical coprecipitation method,and the tribological properties of the prepared nanoparticles as additive in 20%23 machine lubricating oils were investigated.
- 纳米TiO2粉体 TiO2 nanoparticle
- 在合成了同时具有导电性和磁性能的Fe3O4-聚吡咯纳米微球的基础上,使用了光电子能谱(XPS)、IR、UV、TGA等手段研究了纳米Fe3O4-聚吡咯之间的相互作用及作用机理。 Magnetic and conducting Fe_3O_4-polypyrrole nanoparticles with core-shell structure have been prepared in the presence of Fe_3O_4 magnetic fluid in aqueous solution containing dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid sodium salt (NaBS) as a surfactant and dopant.
- 纳米团聚粉体 agglomerated nanocrystalline powder
- 纳米CaCO3粉体 compatibility