- 纳米Fe基磁流体制备 Preparation of magnetic liquid of nanoparticles Fe
- 磁流体制备技术的研究现状与发展方向 The Present Status and Developing Orientation of the Magnetic Fluid Manufacture
- 硅油基磁流体中磁微粒分散体系形成的条件及其影响因素的研究 Study on formation Terms of Magnetic Particles Dispersion System and Other Operative Factors in Silicon-oil-based Magnetic Fluid
- 非晶铁合金汞基磁流体的制备和性质 Preparation and characterization of amorphous iron alloy mercury-based magnetofluids
- 不同驱动方法下Fe基纳米晶丝的GMI研究 On the GMI of Fe-Based Nanocrystalline Wire Driven by Different Methods
- 纳米 nanometer
- 制备 preparation
- 油基磁流体 oil-based magnetic fluid
- 退火张应力控制Fe基纳米微晶带各向异性场技术的研究 The technology of annealing under stress for anisotropic field Hk in the Fe-based nanocrystalline ribbons
- 纳米材料 nanophase materials
- 铈对Al-Fe基非晶合金化学短程序的影响 Effects of Cerium on Chemical Short-Range Order of Al-Fe-Ce Amorphous Alloy
- 制备方法 preparation method
- 纳米技术 nanotechnology
- 磁环 magnetic ring
- 自由基 free radical
- 胺基 amidocyanogen
- 桩基 pile foundation work
- 磁流体轴承 hydro - magnetic bearing
- 残基 residue
- 洛基 Loki