- 紫外光谱UV-B辐射 The ultraviolet-B radiation
- 成都地区太阳紫外UV-B辐射的测量与分析 The Measurement and Analysis of Solar UV-B Irradiance in Chengdu
- 紫外光谱 ultraviolet spectrum
- UV-B辐射 UV-B radiation
- 太阳紫外光谱辐射 Solar ultraviolet spectral radiation
- 云南不同产地灯盏细辛药材总黄酮测定和紫外光谱对比研究 Studies on Determination of Total Flavonoids and Similarity of UV- spectrum of Erigeron Breviscapus from Different Regions of Yunnan Province
- UV-B辐射滤减 UV-B radiation reduction
- 紫外光谱法 ultraviolet spectrometry
- 增补UV-B辐射 supplementary UV-B radiation
- 人工神经网络紫外光谱法测定复方氧氟沙星滴耳液的药物含量 Artificial neural network ultraviolet spectrophotometry used in simultaneous determination of contents in compound ofloxacin ear drops
- UV-B辐射增强对藻类影响的研究进展 Advances of Research on Effects of Enhanced UV-B on Algae
- 紫外光谱鉴别 UV identification
- 差紫外光谱法 UV spectral titration
- UV-B辐射增强对陆地植物次生代谢的影响 Effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on terrestrial plant secondary metabolite
- 紫外光谱特性 UV spectrophotometry
- 小麦UV-B辐射防护剂的筛选及其机理探讨 Screening of UV-B Radiation Protective Agents in Wheat and Their Mechanism
- 紫外光谱组法 UV spectrophotometry groups
- 可见-紫外光谱 UV-Vis spectrum
- 植物对UV-B辐射响应的种内差异及机理探讨 Intraspecific Difference in Plant Response to UV-B Radiation and Its Mechanism
- 紫外光谱范围 ultraviolet spectral range