- 粉末炭黑 loose black
- 投粉末炭法 PAC method
- 粉末炭去除饮用水中土霉味物质的影响因素研究 Study on Influencing Factors for Removal of Earthy-musty Compounds in Drinking Water by PAC
- 炭 charcoal
- 炭黑 carbon soot
- 他将一支粉笔压成粉末。 He crushed a piece of chalk to powder.
- SBR sequencing batch reactor (SBR)
- 竹炭 bamboo charcoal
- 粉末SBR powdered SBR
- 白炭黑 white carbon black
- 粉末都沉淀到杯底了。 The powder settled to the bottom of the cup.
- 炭灰色 charcoal gray
- 纳米粉末SBR SBR nanoparticle
- 积炭 carbon
- 使泥土成粉末 to dust the soil
- 粉末轧制 powder rolling
- 苍生涂炭。 The common people are plunged into an abyss of misery.
- 卵石被敲成粉末。 The pebbles were beaten to a fine dust.
- 炭粉 carbon powder