- 窦腔X射线照向数 sinograph
- 窦腔X射线片 sinogra
- 胸膜腔X射线照像术 pleurograph
- 他用火把照向黑暗的山洞。 He used a torch to see into the dark cave.
- 填充上照影剂后用X射线照动脉 an X ray of an artery filled with a contrast medium
- 聚光灯正照向那位歌手的一边。 The spotlight was shining away on the singer.
- 空间X射线星图 x-ray sky
- 同步辐射X射线荧光 Synchrotron x-ray fluorescence
- "总统向人显示:他能与一意孤行的死硬派表现强硬作风,"... "The President showed he can play hardball with the hardnosed hard-liners, "...
- 精密小模数蜗轮模具型腔的数控加工 Numerical Control Maching of Exact Little Module Turbine Module Die Space
- 幻质子数核 magic-Z nucleus
- X射线治疗机剂量的测量 Determination of the Dose from X-ray Therapy Equipment
- "行了,别动,我们再照一张 ... ,这个样子太棒了," 摄影师说。 "That'll do. Hold it. Will have one more ... It looks smashing, " said the photographer.
- 封闭腔内高瑞利数层流自然对流数值模拟 Numerical Simulations for the Laminar Natural Convection of High Rayleigh Numbers in an Enclosure
- 在代数中,符号x通常代表一未知数。 In algebra the sign x usually denotes an unknown quantity .
- 在棒球队中向击球手投掷棒球以击打的位置角色。 the position on a baseball team of the player who throws the ball for a batter to try to hit.
- 同步辐射X射线白光形貌术 Synchrotron radiation X-ray white-beam topography
- γ-射线灰分仪 y-ray coal ash content apparatus
- 香港特别行政区立法会如拒绝批准政府提出的财政预算案,行政长官可向立法会申请临时拨款。 If the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region refuses to pass the budget introduced by the government,the Chief Executive may apply to the Legislative Council for provisional appropriations.
- 除了这些为数很少且不重 要的(不过在人类社会的早期是重要的)情形外,自然所供应的物品仅在由人力进行了 某种程度的转化以后,才可用于满足人类的需要。 In all but these few and (except in the very commencement of human society)unimportant cases,the objects supplied by nature are only instrumental to human wants,after having undergone some degree of transformation by human exertion.