- 那个跳舞的人备受称赞。
The dancer was showered with praise.
- 他总是称赞他的女儿。
He always speaks well of his daughter.
- 老师们异口同声地称赞他。
The teachers praised him with one accord.
- 他难得称赞你一句。
Only on very rare occasions does he give you a word of praise.
- 我们称赞他是个热心人。
We laud him a warmhearted man.
- 我们都称赞了她烹饪技术的高超。
We all praised the excellence of her cooking.
- 这个富翁因为捐了许多钱而被称赞为慈善家。
The rich man was praised as a humanitarian because he donated a lot of money.
- 四周邻居都称赞他。
The whole neighbourhood praises him.