- 他给我们读了一首歌颂爱情的十四行诗。
He read us a sonnet that celebrates love.
- 他写诗歌颂我们伟大的社会主义祖国。
He wrote poems in praise of our great socialist motherland.
- 诗人们赞颂国王,歌颂他的英勇业绩。
Poets sang the king's praises; they sang of his brave deeds.
- 这位诗人为他心爱的女子写了许多诗,歌颂她的美丽。
The poet addressed many poems to his mistress, praising her beauty.
- 战士们唱起了歌颂他们英勇战斗的凯歌。
The soldiers sang a song of victory, describing their prowess in battle.