- 硅PIN光电二极管 Si PIN photondiode
- 硅PIN光电二极管探测系统的研究 Research on the Silicon PIN Diode Detecting System
- 遥感用硅PIN二极管 Silicon PIN Photodiodes for Remote Sensing
- 紫外和蓝光区域硅PIN光电二极管 Silicon PIN Photodiode for UV and Blue Spectral Regions
- PIN光电二极管 PIN diode
- 光电 opto-electrical
- 硅 silicon (Si)
- PIN光电二极管探测器响应特性测试 Testing System of the Detector Circuit of PIN Photodiode
- PIN光电探测器 PIN photodetector
- 高可靠性PIN光电探测器底座封装技术 Dependable Package Technology of PIN Photodetector Base
- 光电二极管弱光光敏特性测试仪的开发 Development of instrument to measure properties of weak light of photodiode
- 光通信波段超高速PIN光电探测器的新进展 Recent Progress in Ultra-high-speed PIN Photodetector for Optical Communications
- 半导体光电二极管 semiconductor photo diode
- 实用型5GHz带宽InGaAs/InP PIN光电探测器 Practical 5GHz Bandwidth InGaAs/InP PIN Photodctectors
- 微计算机自动控制线性光电二极管阵列光谱仪 minicomputer-automated linear photodiode array spectrometer system
- 硅基PIN光电探测器的设计与模拟 Design and Simulation of a PIN Photo-Detector in the Monolithic Integrated Silicon Photo-Receiver
- 薄膜光电二极管 thin film photodiode
- 薄基底光电二极管 narrow-base photodiode
- 本征n型光电二极管 intrinsic negative photodiode
- 本征锗光电二极管 intrinsic germanium photodiode