- 短QT综合征的研究近况 Recent Study of Short QT Syndrome
- 短QT综合征 Short QT syndrome
- 短QT间期综合征 A review of short QT syndrome
- 先天性长QT综合征 Congenital long QT syndrome
- 短QT间期 Short QT interval
- 长QT综合征治疗进展 Current outcome of treating long QT syndrome
- 长短 length
- 24例长QT综合征的诊疗经验 The experience of diagnosis and treatment for 24 case of long QT syndrome
- 短消息 short message
- 在短时间内 at short notice
- 遗传性长QT综合征SCN5A基因delD1790新突变 A novel SCN5A gene mutation (del D1790) associated with congenital long QT syndrome.
- 超短 ultrashort
- 气短 be discouraged
- 综合征 symptom complex
- 发短信 send short messages
- 国人II型长QT综合征临床特点及KCNH2基因变异 Clinical Characters and Mutation Analysis of Potassium Channel Genes KCNH2 in 77 Pedigrees of Chinese with Long QT Syndrome
- 最短时间 best times
- 变短 shorten
- 继发性短QT间期小儿患者二例 Two cases report on secondary short QT interval in pediatric patients
- 美尼尔氏综合征 labyrinthine syndrome