- 眼B超 B - ultrasonography
- 超 overtake
- B超 type-B ultrasonic
- 超链接 hyperlink
- B超及彩色多谱勒超声成像在眼后段外伤中的诊断应用 Role of B-scan and color doppler imaging in the detection of posterior segment eye trauma
- 超值 overflow
- B超机 B supersonic diagnostic set
- B超测量 ultrasound examination
- B超检查 ultrasound diagnosis
- A、B超联合法测眼轴在高度近视眼人工晶状体度数计算中的应用 Measuring the diopter of artificial lens in high myopia with cataract by A-scan combined with B-scan
- 阴道B超 transvaginal ultrasonography
- B超探查 B - scan uhrasoundgraph examination
- B超活体测定猪背膘厚和眼肌面积的研究 Study on Measuring Backfat Thickness and Loin Eye Muscle Area of Living Pig by B-mode Ultrasound Machine
- B超引导 B ultrasound guidance
- 48例眼后段球内异物的B超影像与术式选择 B-scan ultrasonography image and operative selection on intraocular foreign body in 48 cases
- 地质B超 B--ultrasonic in geology
- B超监测 B-US monitor
- B超实验 B-mode ultrasonic image experiment
- B超介入 B-ultasonic intravention
- B超监护 B-ultrasound monitoring