- 病毒X中的XD毒株 XD strain of virus X
- 鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒X-28弱毒株的致病性试验 Attenuation of Infectious bursal disease virus X-28 Strain and its Pathogenicity
- 俄歇电子谱(AES)测试表明,所制备的Si_(1-x)Ge_x中Ge含量约为15-16%。 The Ge mole fraction of 15-16%25 was determined by Auger electron spectroscopy (AES).
- 作为安全漏洞的提交者,你有责任确定软件的脆弱性的确存在于Mac OS X中。 As submitter of a security incident in Fink-packaged software you have to ensure that the vulnerability of the software also exists on Mac OS X.
- 绵羊肺腺瘤病毒内蒙毒株囊膜蛋白基因在大肠杆菌中的分段表达 Cloning and Expressing of Capsid Protein Gene of Jaagsiekte Sheep Retrovirus Nei Meng Strain in E. Coli
- Y在X中T4 Y is T4 in X
- 病毒 virus
- 引起黑穗病的寄生菌;有时被归于X中。 parasitic fungi causing smuts; sometimes placed in class Tiliomycetes.
- 大肠杆菌K_(88ac)与LT(A~-B~+)抗原基因质粒在猪霍乱沙门氏菌弱毒株中的表达 Expression of E. coli K_(88ac) and LT (A-B~+) Antigen Genes in the Attenuated Vaccine Strain of S. choleraesuis
- 乙肝病毒X基因 hepatitis B virus X gene
- 莫里亚蒂教授可以被说成是福尔莫斯故事中的行为卑鄙龌龊的人。 Professor Moriarty could be described as the dirty dog of the Sherlock Holmes stories.
- 乙肝病毒X蛋白 HBx
- 我在文章中的习惯用语下面划了线,以便引起你的注意。 I underlined the idiomatic expressions in the passage to catch your eye.
- T嗜性毒株 T-tropic strain
- 乙型肝炎病毒x Hepatitis B virus X
- 空调是日本许多出口商品中的一种。 Air conditioners are one of the many commodities that Japan sells abroad.
- 乙型肝炎病毒X蛋白 HBV X protein
- 传染性法氏囊病超强毒株 Very virulent infectious bursa disease virus
- 木栓,木砖嵌入石墙中的木块,以钉支撑细木构造物的钉子 A wooden block built into a masonry wall to hold nails that support joinery structures.
- 乙型肝炎病毒X基因 Hepatitis B virus X gene