- 番泻苷A Sennoside A
- 番泻苷A-番泻苷B Senade; Sennosides A and B
- 番泻苷 A-番泻苷B senade
- 番泻苷B Sennoside B
- 番泻苷 sennoside
- 番泻苷元 sannidin
- 总番泻苷 total sennoside
- 经常分类在番泻树属的一些桂皮的属 some Cassia species often classified as members of the genus Senna or genus Chamaecrista
- 番泻叶防治急性心肌梗死患者便秘86例 To Prevent and Treat Constipation by Senna in 86 Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction
- 标准化番泻叶浓缩物和多库酯钠片剂 Senokot S Tablets<缓泻药>
- 番泻叶结合麻仁软胶囊防治心肌梗塞溶栓患者便秘疗效观察 Observation of the effectiveness on the medication of senna leaves combined with mziren capsule in the prevention from constipation of the patients with myocardial infarction by thrombolytic therapy
- 灰叶泻苷 baptin
- 目的研究番泻叶提取物对游离的豚鼠结肠平滑肌细胞收缩的影响. AIM To investigate the effect of senna extract on contraction of colonic smooth muscle cells of guinea pig.
- 番泻叶 senna
- 灰叶泻苷,野靛苷 baptin
- 鸦葱18.2 g/kg、10.3 g/kg对蓖麻油、番泻叶所引起的小鼠腹泻具有显著的抑制作用。 Scorzonera glabra Rupr (SGR) 18.2 g /kg, 10.8 g /kg, remarkably inhibited enterorrhea by castor oil or cassia angustifolia leaf in mice.
- 止泻木强心苷A Holarosine A
- 结论IVP造影前用 0 9%盐水清洁肠道比番泻叶冲服泌尿系的显示更清楚 ,病人也容易接受。 Conclusion 0.9 %25 saline water enema before IVP radiography will get more clear photo than that of take senna leaf with water, and easier accepted by patients.
- 狭叶番泻 Cassia angustifolia Vahl.
- 番泻 cassia angustifolia