- 男子A组其他拳术 Male Group A Other Quanshu
- 女子A组其他拳术 Female Group A Other Quanshu
- 组 to form
- 男子 male
- 一个人的智力可以用他的测验分数与同一年龄组其他人的测验分数相比较来表示 Wechsler's scale compares a child's score obtained by other children of the same age group on a standardised scale
- A组 group A
- A组土 A-group soil
- M-A组元 M-A constituents
- A组染色体 A group chromosome
- A组链球菌 Group A of streptococcus
- M/A组元 M/A constituents
- A组按蚊病毒 Anopheles A group viruses
- A组链球菌属 GAS; group A streptococcus
- 虫媒病毒A组 Arbovirus group A
- A组轮状病毒 rotavirus
- A组从开始用药至临产的平均时间较B组明显缩短(P<0.05)。 The average interval from medication to in labor in group A was significantly shorter than that of group B(P<0.05).
- 人A组轮状病毒 Group A human rotavirus
- 柯萨基病毒A组 Coxsackie virus A
- A组人轮状病毒 Human group A rotavirus
- A组B-溶血性链球菌 group A B-haemolytic streptococci