- 电路Q值的意义剖析 Analyzing the Meaning of Q-Value in Electric Circuit
- 值 value
- 高Q值的石英晶振 high- Q quartz crystal
- 材料Q值的超声波测定方法 Supersonic methods for determining the Q value of material
- 伴血吸虫病的结肠癌和息肉中c-erbB-2表达及AgNOR的意义 Expression of c erbB 2 oncogene and AgNOR in colon cancer and polyp with schistosomiasis
- 超值 overflow
- 耐药相关基因与肿瘤药敏试验对反映小细胞肺癌治疗效应的意义 Significance of Drug Sensitivity Test of Tumor and Expression of Drug -Resistance Gene in Treatment of Non Small Cell Lung Cancer
- 默认值 Windows default
- 她曲解了这段文字的意义。 She wrenched the meaning of the passage.
- 需要频带和高Q值的系统. Systems requiring Band and High Q.
- 所有那些我始终相信的事情,有关于爱情,真相,以及你对我的意义。 About all of the things that I still long to believe About love and the truth and What you mean to me.
- 你可能无法了解你当时写给我们的感谢信对我们来说有多么重要的意义。 Going to have a box in this post office if we have to make one for you. You don't know what a.
- 电Q值 electricity Q
- 事件与事件或情况与情况的同时发生,两者恰合或有相关的意义但无明显因果关系。 an event that might have been arranged although it was really accidental.
- 在程序设计中,表示某个值的一个字符或字符组,当程序在执行时它对应于一个地址。 In programming, a character or group of characters that refers to a value and, in the execution of a computer program, corresponds to an address.
- 尾波Q值 Q value of coda
- 《爱德华三世》是莎士比亚另外9部历史剧情节的源头,对研究莎作有其特殊的意义。 Edward III is the source of many incidents of the other 9 histories by Shakespeare, and has its special meaning in Shakespearean studies.
- 托宾q值 Tobin's q
- 从事有益于社会的生产劳动,对于罪犯有着特别而重要的意义。 It is especially important for criminals to engage in productive and socially beneficial labour.