- 电池控制移动式X线机 battery-operated mobile x-ray unit
- 高容量移动式X线机 high capacity mobile x-ray unit
- 便携式X线机移动式支架的研制 Development of a mobile stand for portable X-ray unit
- 移动式X线机 mobile x-ray machine
- 数字X线机的自动曝光控制 The Development of Atomatic Exposure Control for Digital X-ray Device
- 移动式X光机 Mobil x-ray system
- 移动式X线看片灯 mobile film illuminator
- 声速控制式EGR系统 sonic controlled EGR system
- 全自动芯片粘片机点胶控制系统 Dispensing Control System for Die Bonder
- X线系统 X- ray system
- 真空纸浆模塑机自动控制系统研究 Development on Automatic Controlling System of the Vacuum Pulp Molding Machine
- 移动式臂托 mobile arm support
- X线定位 X- ray localizer
- 桥式起重机抓斗防摆控制方法研究 The Research About Swing Proof of Grab and Bridge Crane Control
- 轮式移动操作机 wheeled mobile manipulator
- X线稀钡钡餐 Thin barium meal examination
- 龙门移动式钻床 gantly drilling machine
- 真空镀膜机靶电源的模糊控制系统 The fuzzy control system on target power supply of a vacuum film coating machine
- 透热X线疗法 thermoradiotherapy
- 小型移动式火力电站 package powerplant