- 电子电路中抗EMI设计 Design of Anti-EMI in Electronic Circuits
- 设计 design
- 抗EMI材料 anti-EMI material
- 抗EMI滤波器 anti-EMI filter
- 高精度数据采集中抗混叠滤波器的设计 Design of the anti-aliasing filter for the high accurate data acquisition system
- 抗 to resist
- 抗EMI技术的现状与未来 The Present Status and Future of Anti-EMI Technology
- 有氧运动对衰老大鼠血清中抗氧化酶和过氧化脂质的影响 Influence of aerobic exercise on blood serum antioxidant enzyme and lipid peroxidation in aged rats
- 多层片式抗EMI滤波器工艺研究 A Study on the Process of Multi Layer Chip Anti EMI Filter
- 一株降胆固醇乳酸菌的鉴定及其在模拟胃肠环境中抗性的研究 Studies on the Identification and Antagonistic Properties in the Imitative Gastroenteric Environment in a Cholesterol Reducing Lactic Acid Bacteria
- 纳米晶抗EMI材料及相应滤波器研究 Study of Nanocrystalline Anti EMI Materials and Filters Prepared from Them
- 关于沥青混凝土路面设计中抗剪指标的建议 Recommendations for Shear Resistant Criteria in Asphalt Concrete Pavement Design
- 抗EMI铁氧体磁芯在计算机上的应用 EMI-Resistant Ferrite Cores and Its Application in Computer
- 特种兵超负荷训练中抗疲劳防损伤方案及L-系列新药的干预效果评估 Anti-fatigue and trauma-prevention program in the overloading training for special forces and the interventional effect of L-serial new drug
- 非均匀流场中抗空泡桨叶剖面设计 Anti-cavitation blade section design in non-uniform flow field
- 新型抗EMI材料及其传导干扰抑制性能评价 Evaluation on Performance of a New Anti-EMI Material for Conductive Interference Suppression
- 有中抗硫酸盐型(MSR)和高抗硫盐盐(HSR)两类,是一种基本油井水泥。 Available in moderate sulfate-resistant(MSR)and high sulfate-resistant(HSR)Grades.This product is intended for use as a basic well cement.
- 矿山架空人车中抗偏装置的设计与应用 Mine Impracticable People Car is It Lean Towards Design and Application of Device to Resist
- 卫星用光纤陀螺中抗辐射光纤的研究 Research on the Radiation-Resistant Optical Fibers for Fiber-Optic Gyroscopes in the Satellites
- 白塞病患者中抗内皮细胞抗体的研究 A study of antiendothelial cell antibodies in Behcet's disease