- 甲A男篮 First-division-A man basketball
- 2003年甲A男篮联赛中北京首钢队比赛能力的综合评价分析 Comprehensive Evaluation of Motor Skills in 2003 Shou-gang Men's Basketball League A
- 2000-2001我国男篮甲A联赛部分外援后卫技术指标比较研究 Comparative study on skill index data of foreign guards in 2000-2001 CBA games
- 甲A女排运动员 female Grade A volleyball player
- mater Sharp和沟隔牙甲A. mater Sharp, A.
- 男篮 men's basketball
- 苯甲 benzoylate
- 不仅A而且 not merely A but also B
- 意甲 Division A League Football Matches of Italy
- A股 A-share
- 二甲 lumichrome
- 把A误以为 take A for B
- 二甲基甲酰胺 dimethylformamide
- 甲硝唑 metronidazole
- 维生素A vitamin(e)
- 二氯甲 dichloromethane
- 把A视为 looked upon A as B
- 三甲 front three
- 双酚A bisphenol A
- 甲型流感 Vaccinum Influenzae Vivum