- 用户坐标系(UCS) user coordinates system ( UCS )
- 用户坐标系 user coordinate system
- 现行用户坐标系 current user coordinate system
- AutoCAD2 0 0 0和AutoCAD2 0 0 2为用户提供了两种绘图环境 :世界坐标系WCS(WorldCoord :natesystem)和用户坐标系UCS(UserCoord :nateSystem)。 AutoCAD2000 and AutoCAD2002 provide two types of circumstance for the users:WCS(World Coord:nate system) and UCS(User Coord:nate system).
- 坐标系 frame of axes
- 为此通过Autolisp语言编制程序实现了用户坐标系的自动确定和特征单元的快速定位。 In this paper the automatic of UCS and the quick orientation of feature unit are realized by Autolisp.
- 命名UCS Named ucs
- UCS变换 UCS transformation
- 结合ACIS实体的边界表述法,实现了放样路径及其相邻边的自动选取,智能地定义用户坐标系; With the B-rep of ACIS,the UCS of section is obtained intelligently by automatically selecting loft paths and adjacent edges.
- OSA-UCS uniform color scales of the optical society of America (OSA-UCS)
- 直角坐标系 rectangular coordinate system
- 字符串:一个UCS字符序列 String: a sequence of UCS characters
- 基于UCS下的零件实体设计 The Design of Material Object Parts Based on UCS
- 软件研制周期中的一点。在这一点应将产品交付给计划中的用户并被接受供其使用。 The point in the software development cycle at which a product is released to and accepted by its intended user for operational use.
- UCS在单塔汽提装置中的应用 Application of UCS in a Single Stripping Tower
- 赋予用户或程序的一个特征,用以确定用户或程序能够实行何种操作。 A characteristic assigned to a user or program that determines what operations that user or program can perform.
- UCS陶瓷发热器接线插头修正运动 UCS Ceramic Heater Harness Connector Recall Campaign
- 笛卡尔坐标系 rectangular cartesian coordinate system
- 一种用户直接发送给监控程序的指令。 An instruction issued directly to a monitor from a user.
- UTF-8和UCS-2的字符长度总结如下 The character length for UTF-8 and UCS-2 are summarized as follows