- 生防放线菌SC1 antinomycetes SC1
- 辣椒疫病生防放线菌筛选及其对辣椒根系微生物区系的影响 Screening bio-control actinomycetes to control pepper phytophthora blight and the impact of microbial population of pepper's rhizosphere
- 生防放线菌 actinomyces
- 小麦纹枯病生防放线菌株筛选及其防效初步研究 Study on the selection and control-efficiency of Actinomycetes for Biocontrol of Wheat Sharp eye-spot
- 向日葵菌核病生防放线菌的分离筛选及拮抗作用的初探 Studies on Isolation and Screening of Antagonisticmycetes-fungus and Its Antagonistic Effect for Sunflower Sclerotinia Rot
- 在线 in-line
- 在线的 on-line
- 巴生港 Port Swettenham
- 乱放 leave about(around)
- 白色念珠菌 Candida albicans
- 零线 zero curve
- 放量 high-volume
- 米线 rice stick
- 大部分的水果是生吃的。 Most fruits are eaten raw.
- 她把钱放在他的手心里。 She placed the money in his palm.
- 流线 streamline
- 松苗猝倒病不同病原物的致病性差异及其生防细菌的筛选 Difference in Pathogenicity of Damping-off Pathogens for Pine Seedlings and Screening of Biocontrol Bacteria
- 轮廓线 contour line
- 剥线钳 decrustation pliers
- 生防细菌BMY-1 The biological control bacterium-BMY-1