- 生物PCR荧光分析方法 Biological PCR fluorescence analysis methods
- 用于激光制备生物微流控芯片工艺研究的生物PCR荧光分析方法 Biological PCR Fluorescence Analysis Methods for Technics in Manufacture Micro-continuous-flow Biochip by Laser Technology
- PCR荧光定量HBV-DNA检测。 80例中,病理G/S诊断,HBV基因型及HBV-DNA定量结果三项完整者共52例,其中ASC22例,CHB30例。 On the other hand, we detected a part of them (22 ASC, 30 CHB) HBV-DNA level and HBV genotype.
- 顺序注射荧光分析方法测定环境水中的镁 A Sequential Injection Fluorimetric Method for the Determination of Magnesium in Environmental Water Samples
- 低稀释比制样技术与多类型地质样品X射线荧光分析方法研究 A Sample Preparation Method with Low Dilution Factor for Geological Sample Analysis by X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
- 雪冰中生物有机酸的测试分析方法研究 Determination of Organic Acids in Snow and Ice from Mountain Glaciers
- X荧光分析 X fiuorescence analysis
- 频谱分析方法建模 modelling via spectral analysis
- 以荧光分析法测定非木材纤维原料木素含量控制蒸煮程度 Fluorescence Analysis of Non-wood Fiber Lignin in Black Liquors and Red Liquors
- 基于EMD的油气管道安全分布式光纤预警系统信号分析方法 EMD-Based Signal Analysis Method of Distributed Optical Fiber Pre-Warning System for Safety of Oil and Gas Pipeline
- X线荧光分析 X-ray fluorescence analysis
- 农区农牧系统生产布局的区际空间转移分析方法及实例。 Analysis method and case study on interzone spatial transfer of agricultural system production disposition in farming region.
- 荧光分析法 fluorescence analysis
- 电分析方法 electroanalytical method
- QGF荧光分析 fluorescence analysis
- 3步分析方法 3-step analysis method
- 荧光分析物 fluorescent analyte
- 3E分析方法 3E analytic method
- X线荧光分析法 x-ray fluorescence method
- 反分析方法 Back-analysis method