- 现金存量,见 cash Balance cash holdings
- 现金 cash
- 请见 vide
- 看不见 unseen
- 通过配置Balance,可以将一个指定端口上的连接尝试转发到一个通道组。 You configure Balance to forward connection attempts on a specified port to a channel group.
- 存量 stocking
- 一见 at sight
- 很荣幸获邀成为CASH大使。 I am honoured to have been made CASH Ambassador.
- 对于音频控件,可以设置Balance和Volume属性,以自定义或动态模拟媒体的音轨。 For audio control, the Balance and Volume properties can be set to customize or animate a media's audio track.
- 现金支付 out-of-pocket expense
- 见过 meet
- abbr. 货到付款(=cash on delivery) C.O.D.
- 现金流 cash flow
- 可见的 eyeable
- 基于e-Cash的电子商务交易协议研究 Study on Electronic Commerce Transaction Protocols Based on e-Cash
- 现金流量表 cash flow statement
- 详见 see
- 库存现金 cash on hand
- 看不见的 unseen
- 付现金 to pay (in) cash