- 环孢素A微球 cyclosporine A microspheres
- 青藤碱、环孢素A对大鼠外周血单个核细胞的协同抑制作用 Synergistic effects of sinomenine in combination with the immunosuppressive drug cy-closporine A on peripheral blood mononuclear cells of rats
- 环孢素,环胞霉素A,山地明,环胞多肽A,环孢霉素,赛斯平 Ciclosporin A
- 环孢素,环孢菌素A,环孢霉素A,山地明,环胞多肽A,环胞灵 CsA
- 肾移植患者停用环孢素A后近期急性排斥及安全停用环孢素A临床研究 Early acute rejection after CsA withdrawal in renal transplantation and clinical study on CsA safe withdrawal
- β-环糊精聚合物微球 β-cyclodextrin polymer beads
- 阿霉素磁性明胶微球制备及镇痛作用的研究 Preparation of adriamycin magnetic gelatin microspheres and rudiment study of analgesic effect
- 目的 研究环孢素A(CyA)治疗儿童不同病理类型肾病综合征的临床疗效及意义。 Objective To evaluate the efficacy of cyclosporin A (CyA) therapy in 83 children with nephrotic syndrome of different pathological types.
- 抗癌药阿霉素磁性蛋白微球的制备及其细胞毒试验 Preparation and Cytotoxic Test of Antitumor Drug Adriamycin Megnetic Albumin Microspheres
- 环孢素乳膏剂 cyclosporin cream
- 头孢菌素A cephalosporin A
- 环孢素对早期糖尿病肾病大鼠肾脏的保护作用 The reno-protective effects of cyclosporin A on early staged diabetic nephropathy in rats
- 柱枝孢菌素A CylindrocladinA
- 环孢菌素群体药动学的研究及应用 Population Pharmacokinetic Study of Cyclosporine and Its Application
- 亲环素A在巨噬细胞荷脂过程中的影响 Effect of Cyclophilin A on Cellular Cholesterol Accumulation in Lipid-Loaded Macrophages Induced by Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein
- 粘液菌素A,疣孢菌素A Muconomycin A
- 医生注意到环孢菌素能引起肾损害。 Doctors note that cyclosporine can cause kidney damage.
- 砖红镰孢菌素Ⅰ, 恩镰孢菌素A Lateritiin
- 治疗药物监测信息软件的研制及环孢素治疗窗的建立 Development of therapeutic drug monitoring information software and effective blood drug concentration range of CsA
- 含环孢素的三联免疫治疗方案对肾移植受者糖耐量的影响 Effect of Cyclosporin Based Triple Immunosuppressive Therapy on Glucose Tolerance in Renal Transplant Recipients