- 猪BAC文库 pig BAC library
- BAC文库 BAC library
- 猪 swine
- BAC文库构建中的几个技术问题探讨 Study of technologies of BAC library construction
- 新疆军垦型细毛羊基因组BAC文库的构建 Genome BAC Library Constrcution of Xinjiang Military Reclamation of Wasteland Type Fine-Fleece Sheep
- 猪流感 swine flu
- 基于棉花BAC文库的大片段核DNA的提取方法 Preparation of Meg-base DNA Cotton Nuclei for BAC Library
- 猪的 porcine
- 文库 library
- 母猪 sow
- 红莲型水稻不育系和保持系线粒体基因组BAC文库的构建 BAC Library Construction for Mitochondrial Genome of Sterile and Maintainer Lines from HL Rice
- 你是猪 you are a pig
- 公猪 boar
- 埃及棉花品种的BAC文库构建 Construction of BAC Library for Egyptian Cotton Varieties
- BAC丈库 BAC library
- 蠢猪 ass
- BAC修饰 BAC modification
- 中国美利奴细毛羊BAC文库的质量评价 Quality Assessment of BAC Library of Chinese Fine-wool Merino Sheep
- 猪肠 chitterlings