- 这本字典的新版本还未通行。
The new version of this dictionary is not in use yet.
- 为了使它更实用,这本书在下一版本中将编有索引。
The book will be indexed in the next edition so as to make it more useful.
- 你读过那本书的全文版本吗?
Have you read the unabridged edition of that book?
- 该版限出500本。
The edition is limited to 500 copies.
- 这是“战争与和平”的节略版。
This is an abridged edition of "war and peace".
- 这部词典有电子版。
This dictionary is available in electronic version.
- 它刚出版了第七版。
It has just entered the seventh edition.
- 读者来信版是读者们交换意见的有益园地。
The letters page serves as a useful forum for the exchange of readers' views.