- 炮形X射线管套 cannon tube shield
- 炮形X线管套 cannon tube-shield; cannon tubeshield
- 筒形屏蔽罩,炮形X线管套 cannon tube shield
- 碳纳米管在X射线管中的应用 X-ray Tubes Equipped with Carbon Nanotube Filed Emitter
- 炮形X线管套 [医] cannon tube-shield
- X光照相时可以放在牙齿上的齿形X光片 a dental X-ray film that can be held in place by the teeth during radiography
- X射线管热管的研制与工作特性 Research of heat pipe in the X-ray tube and its characteristics
- 炮形架 cannon bracket
- 拉管套 connecting tube hose
- 无异形X连锁Ⅰ型智力障碍 nondysmorphic X-linked-Ⅰ mental retardation
- 空间X射线星图 x-ray sky
- 光球管套组件 Diagnostic x-ray tube housing assembly
- "别跟我来那一套!你知道他为什么做那件事。是因为她太罗嗦。" "Don't give me that! You know why he did it. She nagged him."
- 六角形 hexagon
- 它是一个不规则的快速变化的X射线辐射源,每秒钟闪烁100次。 It is a highly variable and irregular source with X-ray emission that flickers in a hundredth of a second burst.
- 流管 flow passage
- 圆管 circular tube
- 用电子探针X射线显微分析法研究肾上腺素激发的心房特殊颗粒分泌 Using electron probe X-ray microanalysis to study calcium release from atrial specific granules induced by injection of adrenaline in rats
- 火花塞用管套扳手 Socket Wrenches for Spark Plugs
- 同步辐射X射线荧光 Synchrotron x-ray fluorescence