- 溶靛素蓝AGG indigosol blue AGG
- 溶靛素蓝IBC [化] Indigosol Blue IBC
- 溶靛素蓝O4B [化] Indigosol Blue O4B
- 溶靛素印染蓝 indigosol printing blue
- 溶靛素DH indigosol DH
- 心肌肌钙蛋白基因中连续AGG的同义替换与GST融合表达 Replacement consecutive AGG codons in the cDNA of cardiac troponin with the synonymous codon and its GST fusion expression
- 浅蓝 Cambridge blue
- 溶靛素绿IB indigosol green IB
- 茜素蓝 alizarin blue
- 青出于蓝 surpass one's master or teacher in learning
- 霉素 zymoid
- 蓝屏 blue screen
- 弹力素 elastin
- 宝石蓝 jewelry blue
- 阿霉素 adriamycin
- 溶靛素灰IBL indigosol gray IBL
- 茜素蓝S Alizarin blue S
- 天然靛蓝逐渐为合成靛蓝所取代;经化学反应可把它还原成可溶靛白,后者施于纺织品上,然后再氧化成靛蓝。 "Synthetic indigo has replaced the natural dye; it is reduced chemically to the soluble yellow compound leucoindigo, in which form it is applied to textile fibres and reoxidized to indigo (see oxidation-reduction). "
- 茜素蓝黑 alizarin blue black
- 纯溶蓝 pure soluble blue