- 混合ARQ机制的性能分析 Analysis of the Performance of ARQ Schemes
- RCPT码的性能分析及其在混合ARQ中的应用研究 Performance Analysis of RCPT Codes and Its Applications for the Study on Hybrid ARQ
- 盲签名机制的性能分析 Performances analysis survey of blind signature mechanism
- 提出多ARQ机制,以使系统在保证高容量的同时,也能保证多种业务好的服务质量。 And then,we steeply adopt multi-ARQ to guarantee the throughput and the good supports to the services of real-time and non real-time in BWA system.
- 针对CFB机制,提出了一种群组ACK机制并从理论上分析了该机制的有效性,且建议把FEC/ARQ机制用于无线网络中以提高网络质量; To CFB mechanism , paper proposes one group ACK mechanism and analysed theoretically, at the same time proposes using FEC/ARQ mechanism for the wireless network in order to improve network quality.
- 一种基于RCPT码的混合ARQ方法及其在衰落信道下的性能 Hybrid ARQ Scheme Using Rate Compatible Punctured Turbo (RCPT) Codes and Its Performance over Rayleigh Fading Channel
- 混合ARQ Hybrid ARQ
- 在联合分数傅里叶变换相关器里用分数级滤波后的性能分析 Performance Analysis of Fractional-Order Filtering in a Joint Fractional Fou rier-Transform Correlator
- 第一类混合ARQ Type-Ⅰ Hybrid ARQ (HARQ)
- 噪声环境中采用探询机制的局域网性能分析 Performance analysis of LANs using polling mechanism in a noisy environment
- 无线数据传输中的混合ARQ Hybrid ARQ Techniques for Wireless Data Transmission
- 混合ARQ算法的研究与改进 The Design and Amelioration of Hybrid-ARQ
- 太阳能驱动的固体吸附式转轮制冷系统的性能分析及优化 Performance Analyzing and Optimizing for Solid Adsorption Refrigeration System driven by Solar Energy with Rotating Wheel
- HDLC规程中混合ARQ体制研究 The Study of Hybrid ARQ System in HDLC Protocol
- 基于排序机制的全序广播算法分类与性能分析 Classification and performance of total order broadcast and multicast algorithms based on the mechanism of ordering
- 新型GIS用电子式光电组合互感器中电压传感器的性能分析 Performance analysis of voltage sensor in electronic photoelectric combined transformer applied in new GIS
- OFDM系统中的混合ARQ结构及性能仿真 Hybrid ARQ Structure and Performance Simulation for OFDM Systems
- 液力传动油的性能分析 An Analysis of ATF's Performance in Hydraulic Power Transmission
- 荨麻纤维的性能分析 Analysis on the properties of nettle fiber
- 套装活塞盘式制动器的性能分析 Characteristic and performance analysis of cased piston disc brake