- 混合型模糊PID控制算法 mixed-fuzzy PID control arithmetic
- 热处理电阻炉炉温的自适应模糊PID控制 Adaptive Fuzzy PID Temperature Control of the Heat Treatment Resistance Furnace
- 基于参数自整定模糊PID控制的恒压供水系统 Water Supply System of Invariable Pressure: An Illegible PID Control of Automatic Preferences
- 基于模糊PID控制的新型压电型电液伺服阀研究 Research on a New Type of Piezoelectric Electro-hydraulic Servo Valve Based on Fuzzy PID Control
- 模糊 vague
- PID控制算法 PID control algorithm
- 纳米晶合金片铸炉真空调节的PID控制算法程序设计及其参数整定 PID Control Algorithm Programming and Its Parameter Tuning of Vacuum Modulation Valve on Strip Casting of NanocrystallineAlloys
- 主动控制算法 active control
- 模糊PID双重控制 fuzzy PID dual mode control
- 先进控制算法 advanced control algorithms
- 联合控制算法 combining control algorithms
- 基于模糊PID的热轧带钢宽度控制 The Width Control on Hot Strip Mill Based on Fuzzy PID
- 补偿控制算法 compensation control algorithm
- PID控制 PID control
- 数字控制算法 digital control algorithms
- 模糊-PID控制 fuzzy-PID control
- 直接控制算法 direct control-algorithm
- 基于模糊PID参数自调整的锅炉汽包水位控制设计 The research of drum level control of boiler based on self tuning fuzzy PID
- 基于PID控制的主动磁轴承-飞轮转子系统运动稳定性研究 Study on Dynamic Stability of Flywheel Rotor Supported by AMB Based on PID Controller