- 浸润型肺癌的CT诊断 CT diagnosis of infiltrative pulmonary carcinoma
- 陈旧性肺结核合并周围型肺癌的CT诊断 CT Diagnosis of Obsolete Pulmonary Tuberculosis Accompanied with Peripheral Lung Carcinoma
- 肺内炎性肿块与周围型肺癌的CT及X线鉴别诊断 The Differential Diagnosis of Pulmonary Inflammatory Mass and Peripheral Lung Cancer by CT and X-ray
- 透明血管型巨大淋巴结增生的CT诊断(4例报告并文献复习) CT Diagnosis of Hyaline-vascular Type of Giant Lymph Node Hyperplasia (A Report of 4 Cases and A Review of Literature)
- 肺炎型肺癌的CT分析 CT study of pneumonic-type lung carcinoma
- MSCT图像后处理技术对中央型肺癌气管、支气管树侵犯的评价 Evaluation of Tracheobronchial Tree Invasion by Central Lung Cancer Using MSCT Image Post-processing Techniques
- 隐蔽性肺癌的CT诊断 CT Diagnosis of Hidden Lung Cancers in Chest
- 应用最大似然法鉴别诊断周围型肺癌、肺错构瘤和结核球的初步研究 The preliminary study of maximal log-likelihood in the differential diagnosis among peripheral lung carcinoma, hamartoma and tuberculoma
- 皮层下动脉硬化性脑病的CT诊断与临床分析(附86例报告) CT Diagnosis and Clinical Analysis of Bingswanger'Diseases (Report of 86 Cases)
- 光动力治疗中晚期中央型肺癌的临床初探 Preliminary clinical evaluation of photodynamic therapy for patients with central type lung cancer in later period
- 鳃裂囊肿的CT诊断 Diagnosis of branchial cleft cyst with CT
- 主动脉窗型肺癌的外科治疗(附30例报告) Surgical treatment of bronchogenic carcinoma located in the aortic window (report of 30 cases)
- 主动脉瘤的CT诊断 Spiral CT diagnosis of aortic aneurysm
- 纤维支气管镜下微波治疗中心型肺癌的疗效观察 Therapeutic effects of microwave through branchofiberoscope in treating central type lung cancer patients
- 眼球损伤的CT诊断 CT Diagnosis in Trauma of Eyeball
- 超声引导经皮穿刺微波凝固治疗周围型肺癌的临床研究 Ultrasound-guided microwave coagulation treatment of peripheral lung carcinomas: clinical study
- 脊柱外伤的CT诊断 CT Diagnosis in the Treatment of Spinal Trauma
- 动脉灌注丹参联合动脉化疗栓塞术治疗中心型肺癌的疗效分析 Arterial radix salviae miltiorrhizae infusion combined with chemoembolization in treating central pulmonary carcinoma
- 儿童突眼的CT诊断 CT Diagnosis of Proptosis in Children
- 支气管袖状成形肺叶切除和气管隆凸切除重建术治疗中央型肺癌的探讨 Bronchial Sleeve Resection, Carinal Resection and Reconstruction in the Treatment of Central Hhumg Cancer