- 波导E面带通滤波器 Waveguide E-plane band-pass filter
- S参数法设计波导E面金属插片窄带滤波器 Design of Narrowband Waveguide E-Plane Metal Insert Filter by Using of S-Parameter
- 波导E面偏置金属插片宽带滤波器 Wideband Waveguide Filters using E-plane Offset Metal Insert
- 两种新型结构的共面带线带通滤波器的设计 Design of Novel Structures for Two Coplanar Stripline Bandpass Filters
- 波导带通滤波器 waveguide bandpass filter
- E面弯波导 E plane waveguide bend
- 级联式窄带通滤波器计算机辅助诊断和协同调试技术平台 Cascaded Narrowband Filter With Computer-aided Diagnosis and Synergic Debug Technology Platform
- 毫米波E面波导铁氧体环行器 E-plane waveguide millimeter wave ferrite circulator
- 在特殊条件下,带通滤波器也可以用作低通滤波器或高通滤波器。 Under special conditions a BPF may also be used as an LPF or as an HPF.
- 矩形波导E面不连续性的DDM/FEM分析 Analysis of E-plane Discontinuity in a Rectangular Waveguide by the DDM/FEM Method
- E面膜片滤波器 E-plane integrated circuit filter
- 低烧ZnO-TiO_2微波陶瓷介电特性及片式多层带通滤波器研究 The Study of Dielectric Properties of ZnO-TiO_2 Microwave Ceramic Sinterd at Low-temperature and Chip Multilayer Bandpass Filter
- 采用偏心铁氧体的宽带E面T结波导环行器 Broadband E-plane T-junction waveguide circulator with off-center ferrite discs
- 带通滤波器组 band - pass filter group
- 矩形波导中沿E面均匀多介质柱散射特性分析 Analysis on Scattering of E-plane Uniform Multiple Dielectric Posts in Rectangular Waveguide
- 可变带通滤波器 VBPF Variable Band Pass Filter
- 改进人工神经网络算法及其在E面分支波导耦合器优化设计中的应用 Improved Artificial Neural Network Used in Design and Optimization of E-Plane Branch-Waveguide Couplers
- SAW带通滤波器 SAW pass band filer
- 用信号流图法直接计算了带通滤波器(BPF)的传输系数S_(21)。 The transmission coefficient s_(21) of BPF is calculated directly using the signalflow graph method.
- 性能优良的新型E面金属膜片波导滤波器 New E-plane Metal Septum Waveguide Filters with High Performance