- 水生栖热菌FL-03 Thermus aquaticus FL-03
- 嗜热菌好氧生化处理废水的实验研究 Experimental Investigation for Aerobic Biochemical Wastewater Treatment with Thermophilic Bacteria
- 热帖 hot paste
- 龙虾是水生贝壳动物。 The lobster is a shellfish.
- 再热 reheat (RH)
- 淋菌 gonococcus
- 栖群动态 population dynamics
- 他喝热咖啡烫伤了舌头。 He scalded his tongue on the hot coffee.
- 林栖的 arboreal
- VA菌根 vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza
- 内共栖 endocommensal
- 热的盘子会损坏桌子的亮光漆面。 Hot dishes may spoil the varnish on a table.
- 鞍菌素 sellenin
- 再热器 reheater
- 氨化菌 ammonifiers
- 你用热熨斗一烫就把刺绣图样转印到布上。 You transfer the embroidery design from the paper to cloth by pressing it with a warm iron.
- 阿尔玛菌素 almarcetin
- 她把手指浸入水中,看水热不热。 She dipped her finger in the water to see if it's hot.
- 埃维菌素 evericin
- 埃希氏菌 Escherichia