- 气对比眶X线造影[术] Air contrast orbitography
- 骨盆腔气对比X线摄影[术] Gas contrast radiography of pelvis
- 对比眶照相术 contrast orbitography
- 输卵管结扎术后盆腔静脉瘀血综合征的X线造影表现及其诊断价值 The Manifestation and Diagnostic Value in X-ray Venogram for Pelvic Vein Congestion Syndrome after Tubal Ligation
- 在线 in-line
- 子宫输卵管造影[术]伴气对比 Hysterosalpingography with gas contrast
- 气-气对比 gas-gas correlation
- X线造影 X-rayradiography
- 气对比法钡灌肠 Air contrast barium enema
- 气对比法结肠放射学检查 Radiologic examination of colon by air contrast
- 右冠状动脉轴位X线造影的解剖学研究 Axial X-ray angiographical anatomy of the right coronary artery
- 腹膜X线(照)片,腹膜X线造影(照)片 peritoneogram
- 眶X线造影[术] Contrast radiography of orbit
- 脊髓X线造影照片,脊髓细胞分类(计数)像 myelogram
- 子宫输卵管照相,子宫输卵管X线摄影(术), 子宫输卵管造影术 uterosalpingography
- 早期食管癌气钡双重对比和低张气钡双重对比的X线诊断 Gas-Bariun Double Contrast and Hypotonic Double Contrast X-Ray Examination of Early Carcinoma of Esophagus
- 乳房X线造影 mammography
- 涎管X线造影 sialography
- 脏壁X线造影 parietography
- 荧光X线造影 photofluorography