- 横断牙合片X线检查 true occlusal topographic intraoral radiographic examination
- 牙合翼片X线片检查 bite-wing intraoral radiographic examination
- 口内X线斜位牙合片检查 oblique occlusal intraoral radiographic examination
- 断牙再接的几点体会 An understanding of incisal edge attachment
- 根尖片X线检查 periapical intraoral radiographic examination
- 牙齿齐全的无瑕疵咬合,没有断牙、畸形牙且牙间距适当,没有额外生长的义牙。 Flawless bite, complete dentures, no broken or defective teeth or large gaps, no extra (double) teeth.
- 牙合片投影 occlusal film projection
- 我需要你做血液化验、X线检查、肾功能试验和超声波检查。 I want you to have blood tests, X-rays, kidney function tests and an ultrasound examination.
- 下颌横断牙合片 transverse occlusal film of mandible
- 影响断牙再接术成功的主要因素有黏结材料的性能,再接时采用的辅助固位方式,若为根折尚包括再接牙植入牙槽窝内的愈合形式等。 Success of the operation is decided by the properties of bonding materials, assistant fixed prepartions and the healing pattern of the implant reattached tooth in the alveolus socket.
- 钼靶X线检查 x-ray mammography
- 咬翼片X线照片 bite wing radiograph
- 下颌前部牙合片 anterior occlusal film of mandible
- 视神经孔位在眼外伤X线检查中的应用价值(附视神经孔位32例报告) Practical value of optic foramen view in the X-ray examination of eye injury(report of 32 cases)
- 下颌前部牙合片持器 holder for anterior occlusal film of lower jaw
- 摘要本文用X射线衍射法定量分析了水泥水化产物中的钙矾石,得到了较为准确的结果,该方法对研究钙矾石的形成机理和膨胀机理提供了重要的参考依据,具有理论和实际意义。 Ettringite in cement hydration products "Value k" method of XRD and some accurate results were obtained. This method shows practically significant in studying the formation mechanism and stability of ettringite.
- 牙合翼片X射线照片 bite wing radiograph
- 肺部病变行3次X线检查,1次CT检查。 Pulmonary pathological changes were examined by X-ray (3 times) and CT (1 time) .
- 颈椎X线检查无明显疾患;全血细胞计数完全正常红细胞沉降率为一小时2毫米;无糖尿。 x-ray examination of cervical spine, NAD; full blood count, completely normal: ESR 2mm/h; urine, no glycosuria.
- X线片显示,牵张侧腭横缝前后两点汞齐标志的间距增加1?5cm; The distance of separation of the palatine bone and maxilla was 10 to 15cm.