- 模糊ID3算法 fuzzy ID3 algorithm
- ID3算法 ID3 algorithm
- 模糊 vague
- 实验证明,RSE算法确实优于ID3算法。 From the experiment, we can see the RSE algorithm is superior to ID3 algorithm indeed.
- 模糊的 hazy
- 本文在研究了现有的ID3算法基础之上,设计了一个通用的ID3分类器,具有现实的意义。 This text is in studying existing ID3 algorithm foundation, design a ID3 classifying device in common use, have realistic meanings.
- 模糊地 faintly
- 摘要利用决策树算法在筛选属性方面的优势,对传统ID3算法进行了改进,建立了一个精简的财务指标体系。 Abstract Since the ID3 algorism has obvious advantage on attribute screening, the algorism so as to get a simplified financial index system was modified in this paper.
- 模糊性 fuzzification
- 并且通过对FAMn家族数据集的测试比较以及对UCI提供的标准数据进行实验,说明了这种算法确实比ID3算法有所改进。 We also took tests to compare our optimization algorithm with ID3 algorithm using the data set FAMn providing, and did experiment on the standard data UCI providing, the result show that the information gain of attribute-value pairs in two levels optimization algorithm is more excellent than IDS algorithm indeed.
- 模糊化 obfuscation
- 模糊控制 fuzzy control
- 实验结果表明,尽管ID3算法的结果可理解性较好,但支持向量分类算法有更高的精度; 支持向量回归算法建立的预测模型是可靠的。 Experiment results show that support vector classification algorithm has higher accuracy as though the output of ID3 is more comprehensive, and the predict model constructed by support vector regression is reliable.
- 模糊逻辑 fuzzy logic
- 模糊算法 fuzzy algorithm
- 模糊C-算法 fuzzy c--algorit.hrn
- 模糊PID算法 fuzzy- PID algorithm
- 模糊PI算法 fuzzy-PI algorith
- 模糊簇聚算法 fuzzy clustering algorithm
- 模糊遗传算法 fuzzy genetic algorithm