- 模糊PI复合控制 fuzzy PI synthesis control
- 模糊-PI复合控制 fuzzy-PI multi-controller
- 应用模糊控制理论和技术,设计并开发了基于P-FUZZY-PI复合控制的ASM测试扭矩控制器; The dynamometer torque controller of ASM is designed and developed based on P-Fuzzy-PI compound control.
- 参数自整定Fuzzy-PI复合控制技术在灯泡贯流式机组中的应用 Application of Compound Control Technique of Automatic Parameter Identification Fuzzy-PI in Bulb Tubular Pump Unit
- 模糊 vague
- 模糊的 hazy
- 本文首先建立了直接侧向力/气动力的复合控制数学模型。 It is the first that the compound control model of direct lateral force/ aerodynamic control has been put forward.
- HPR复合控制 HPR compound control
- 复合控制矩阵 composite control Matrix
- 双模糊复合控制 dual fuzzy complex control
- 复合控制策略 compound control
- 等效复合控制 equivalent combined control
- 专家控制多模糊规则集的复合控制交流伺服系统 Composite control AC servo system based on expert controller multiple fuzzy rule-set
- 液压复合控制 hydraulic composite control
- 智能复合控制 intelligent-composite control
- 电液复合控制 Electro- hydraulic compound control
- 鲁棒复合控制 robust compound control
- 张力复合控制 tension compounding control
- 比例复合控制 Proportional compound control
- 分段复合控制 Staged composite control