- 模糊群组AHP AHP
- 基于模糊群组AHP的舰船装备保障部门绩效评估 Assessment for the performance of logistic department of warship equipment on fuzzy group AHP
- 一种基于最小二乘的群组AHP方法 A New Group AHP Method Based on the Least Square Method
- 组 to form
- 模糊 vague
- 群组AHP方法 group AHP method
- 模糊群 fuzzy group
- 反模糊群 anti-fuzzy groups
- 子模糊群 sub-fuzzy-group
- 直觉模糊群 Intuitionistic Fuzzy Group
- 模糊群决策 fuzzy group decision
- 群组死亡率 cohort mortality
- 子直觉模糊群 Sub-intuitionistic Fuzzy Group
- 开动机器,进行一次自动循环运转就完成极群组的铸焊。 Energizing the machine "start" switch places the machine in an automatic single cycle operation that completes the element assembly.
- 糊群的商模糊群 Quotient Fuzzy Group in the Fuzzy Group
- 群组支持 community supporting
- 一种新的模糊群 A New Kind of Fuzzy Group
- 集群组网 digital trunk system
- 超直觉模糊群 hyper-intuitionistic fuzzy groups