- 模拟CT切片技术 simulating CT slice technology
- 面向RP的工业CT切片数据的CLI建模技术研究 Study on CLI modeling technology facing RP based on ICT slice data
- 模拟 imitation
- 采用CT切片的三角片曲面重构算法 Triangular Surface Reconstruction in CT Slices
- 工业CT切片图像高精度轮廓提取技术研究 Research of High Accuracy Contour Extraction Methods Based on ICT Images
- 空心涡轮叶片CAD模型与CT切片模型的配准研究 A Study of Registration Method between Hollow Turbine Blade's CAD Model and CT Slice Model
- 模拟的 simulative
- 荷藕切片技术 lotus root slice-technique
- 模拟信号 analog signals
- 反求工程中消除CT切片轮廓奇异点研究 Study of Removing Singular Pixels of CT Slice Contour in Reverse Engineering
- 切片技术 microtomy
- 模拟电路 mimic channel
- 模拟考试 mock examination
- 超薄切片技术 ultramicrotomy
- 程序切片技术 program slicing technology
- 模拟量 analog quantity
- CT切片重构的STL模型与CAD模型之间的误差彩色云图显示 Error's colored nephogram display between STL model restructed from CT slices and CAD model
- 数值模拟 numerical simulation
- 薄片技术,切片技术 slice technique
- 模拟电子技术 Analog Electronics Technique