- 桑塔纳2000GSi SANTANA 2000
- 桑塔纳2000GSi新型AJR型发动机电控系统工作原理及电路介绍 Working Principle and Circuit Introduction of The Electric Control System for The New AJR Type Engine in Santana 2000GSi
- 桑塔纳2000Gsi型轿车配置电喷LPG系统的开发与研究 Development and Research on the LPG System Equipped on the Car of SANTANA 2000 G_(si) Series
- 本文对桑塔纳2000GSi车型的防抱死制动系统三大部分在线检测:静态测试、动态阀门测试与传感器测试过程作了概要介绍。 Theree parts of Santana 2000 GSi ABS system which will be inspected in production line are introduced, including static testing, dynamic valve testing and sensor testing.
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